Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6 Primal

Having played in this Primal season, I am having mixed thoughts on this update. I love the colorful spring scenery for this season, graphics are beautiful as usual. But the primal weapons are a miss in my opinion. The designs on the primal weapons looks okay, nothing special, it’s like any other games out there. The issue I have is with the accuracy of the rifles. For some reason, I have a much harder time hitting targets with these primal weapons. It seems like my aiming skills went down drastically since this season. Are the bullets traveling slower on these primal ARs? Maybe I’m just sucking more at this game now, but it’s been frustrating trying to hit moving targets with these primal ARs.


Sketching Chun-Li from Street Fighter. So cool that the Chun-Li skin is now available on Fortnite, along with Ryu. Unfortunately I don’t have enough vBucks so I will have to pass. I recently bought the Tron skin so I will be using that one from now on. Anyhow, Chun-Li video coming next.